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yitnp presents
yitnp presents
YITNP is dead!
As some of you might have already guessed is dead. After more than half a year without any updates we finally managed to post at least this kind of message here.

It seems like none of the people involved has got the time or passion any more to go on with this project. Maybe it is like with most good bands: Better call it quits as long as you or anybody else still cares...

We are sorry for all the reviews we never came to write and all the emails we never answered. We didn't mean to.

We would like to thank all the artists, labels, people who helped out and of course all our readers for their inspiration and cooperation. Thank you so much!

Some of us are still active in other projects such as Trust Fanzine, Coreprobe radio show or I <3 d.i.y. blog. Feel free to check us out there and don't forget that once there was an online fanzine that was called

Good bye! [jan]

Off for Portugal
Yeah, I know, it is unfair to tell you but it is the awesome truth. No updates for 12 days! Everyone with administrative powers is chilling in southern Portugal. But we'll take care of putting everything online soon after returning.

We apologize for not being able add reviews, news or tour dates during this period. Take care and keep frequenting the forum! [jan]

out of office
As the one who is always doing the updates (me) will be on tour untill october, 2nd there won't be too much going on around here for a few days. I'll try to keep up with the correspondence and checking the forum. See ya!

Kurhaus tourdates:

22.09.06 göttingen - theaterkeller w/ kackfeuer, the subaltern speak
23.09.06 karlsruhe - juze südstadt w/ b-abuse et al.
24.09.06 bremen - magazinkeller w/ sinking ships, hoods up et al.
25.09.06 mainz - haus mainusch
26.09.06 freiburg – kts
27.09.06 HELP NEEDED - tba
28.09.06 gossau(ch) - rehearsal space
29.09.06 giessen - ak44 w/ tragic vision, hobby
30.09.06 mannheim - juz w/ kylesa
01.10.06 darmstadt - oetinger villa w/ luetten et al.
02.10.06 homburg - ajz

ps: Attend the demo against Club88 anniversary in Neumünster on September, 30th!


[kurhaus got a new website, too]

Off for holidays
Hi! there won't be much going on here the next week as the whole administrative crew is of for holidays around the baltic sea. But then we'll be back with new power and energy. Period! [jan]
Big Fluff Fest update
We got a whole bunch of things about the fluff fest to offer. Check the gallery for photos of The Ocean, Lack, Death Of Anna Karina and The Tangled Lines, go to the articles for a travelogue of the weekend and join the community to talk about your fluff fest impressions! [jan]

Site launched
Yeah, we finally made it! After months of work we are now able to launch our new online zine. Of course there is not that much content yet but we are optimistic that the content will grow steadily. There is only one column and one interview by now but both deserve your attention. Reviews we have at least more than a dozen by now and here, too, you will find a lot more soon now the site is launched and in the gallery there is already more than twenty shows featured.

Feel free to join the community and to talk about the contents of the site and other stuff in the forum. If you find any bugs or have problems with the site, feel free to contact us. And if you want to contribute, just drop us a line!

But for now: Have fun exploring the site!  [jan]

 Kaput Krauts
quo vadis, arschloch?
 Kaput Krauts
 Parts & Labor
 Parts & Labor
 Delayed Replays
by Liz Prince
 Delayed Replays